New Webinar with Powell 365 July 26 @ 11am CST

Go Big and You’ll Go Home: How to roll out a corporate intranet successfully by building on success and governance.

July 26, 11 am CST

Your corporate intranet is a reflection of your corporate culture, and changing either is difficult. Of course you need management buy-in, budget, and a capable staff to execute, but what is often overlooked and underappreciated are simple victories or wins! Starting small, collecting wins, and building on success with an eye towards governance is an essential strategy to corporate intranet (and cultural change).

GlassWater and Powell Software come together to host a special 30-minute webinar. The two partners would like to showcase how Powell 365 is easy enough for a single business unit to get started and powerful enough to support a robust governance plan. With Powell 365, you don't have to do it twice, build your site framework and replicate it into a corporate wide intranet via a repeatable process within Powell Manager.

Aashish Warty of GlassWater and Ryan Orehek of Powell Software will walk you through the process in this month’s Powell 365 webinar.

Join us on July 26th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST for our partner webinar. Come see what makes Powell 365 unique! Don’t miss the fun, RSVP today!