As you reopen, how are you keeping your employees and guests safe?

While living and working in a global pandemic we decided to build something to help our clients and partners keep their people safe as they get back to the office. We call it GlassWater Back to Work – a simple and easy-to-use process to help you safely bring employees and guests back into your workplace.

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While concepting and building we reviewed more than 50 sets of company protocols, held discovery calls with business owners, tested currently available tools, and consulted evolving federal, state, and local guidance. Here’s what we learned:

  • Companies are creating their own process and protocols built around the specific needs of their people and footprint

  • Current tools are prescriptive to one way of clearing employees rather than flexible to the policies being rolled out in the real world

  • The people who oversee these processes are most concerned with effective governance and the collection of protected health information (PHI) are

As a result, GlassWater Back to Work is customized to your protocols to clear employees or guests to come into work, advise them to stay home, and direct them to further information. The process also adds a layer of actionable screening governance and never collects or store PHI. We leverage calendar integration and automation to make screening as easy as it can be.
To learn more visit or contact me at to start a dialogue around how we can help you keep your people safe.